Our leadership
Proven leadership, driving breakthrough innovation
Our leadership uses their wealth of expertise and experience to guide Fortrea. Their passion for quality and excellence instills a culture focused on helping sponsors bring treatments to patients
Meet the experts

Tom Pike
회장 및 최고경영자
Thomas Pike is Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE). He has served in this position since Fortrea’s launch as an independent company in July 2023. Tom joined the organization as President and Chief Executive Officer in January 2023 during Fortrea’s spinoff from its parent company, Labcorp (NYSE: LH).
Tom has more than 30 years of leadership experience in global services industries, most notably in the contract research organization (CRO) industry, working with pharmaceutical, biotech, hospitals and sites on a global basis. Prior to joining Labcorp, he co-founded, advised and served as a director for several healthcare and technology services companies. Previously, Tom served as CEO and a member of the Board of Directors of Quintiles Transnational Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: Q), a leading fully integrated biopharmaceutical services company, from April 2012 until its merger with IMS Health in 2016 to create IQVIA (NYSE: IQV). He led Quintiles through its successful IPO, which was one of the year’s 10 largest U.S. offerings, and helped it grow into a Fortune 500 company. Under Tom’s stewardship, Quintiles was first recognized as a World’s Most Admired Company by Fortune in 2015 and was named a 2016 World’s Most Ethical Company. He retired in 2016 as Vice Chairman of the merged Quintiles and IMS.
Quintiles에 합류하기 전에 2009년도까지 Tom은 전략, 컨설팅, 디지털, 기술 및 운영 분야에서 광범위한 서비스와 솔루션을 제공하는 선도적인 글로벌 전문 서비스 회사인 Accenture(NYSE: ACN)에서 22년을 보냈습니다. Accenture에서 Tom이 맡은 역할에는 최고 위험 관리 책임자 및 북미 건강 및 제품 비즈니스 부문 전무 이사 등이 있습니다. 이전에 Tom은 Accenture 리소스 운영 그룹의 글로벌 최고 운영 책임자였으며 Accenture의 최고 전략 책임자를 역임했습니다. 2009년에 Accenture를 떠난 후 2012년에 Quintiles에 합류하기 전까지는 기술 및 의료 분야의 여러 스타트업에 참여했습니다. 경력 초기에 Tom은 McKinsey & Company의 컨설턴트였습니다.
Tom은 델라웨어 대학교(University of Delaware)에서 회계학 학사 학위를 받았으며, 2019년부터 Martin Marietta Materials, Inc.(NYSE:MLM)의 이사로 재직하고 있습니다.

Jill McConnell
최고 재무 책임자
Jill Gicking McConnell is the Chief Financial Officer of Fortrea (Nasdaq: FTRE). She has served in this position since Fortrea’s launch as an independent company in July 2023 following its spinoff from Labcorp (NYSE: LH).
Jill은 25년 이상 헬스케어 분야에서 재무 리더십을 담당하며 성장과 마진 확장을 주도하고 미국, 영국, 아일랜드에서 일하면서 글로벌 변화와 프로젝트 변화를 이끌어 왔습니다. Jill은 2018년에 Labcorp의 신약 개발 담당 최고 재무 담당자로 취임하여, Fortrea의 최고 재무 담당자가 되기 전까지 해당 직책을 수행했습니다. 그녀는 최근 Fortrea를 Labcorp로부터 분리시키는 프로젝트를 이끌었습니다. 이전에는 GSK(LSE/NYSE: GSK)에서 제약업계의 라이프사이클을 19년 이상 겪으면서 선임 재무 담당자로 점점 더 커지는 역할을 감당했습니다. GSK에서의 마지막 직책은 GSK, Pfizer, Shionogi의 합작 벤처 회사인 ViiV Healthcare의 최고 재무 책임자 겸 선임 부사장이었습니다. GSK에서 일하기 전에는 공인회계사로 PwC에서 주로 근무하였습니다.
Jill은 세인트 조셉 유니버시티(Saint Joseph's University)에서 건강 및 의료 서비스 행정 MBA를 받았으며, 게티스버그 컬리지(Gettysburg College)에서 경영학과 불문학 전공으로 각각 학사 학위를 받았습니다. Jill은 재무 리더십 외에도 직원 참여에도 관심을 가지고 있으며, Labcorp와 GSK에서 다수의 직원 리소스 그룹의 중역 후원자 역할을 한 바 있습니다. 2023년에는 헬스케어 비즈니스우먼 협회의 Luminary로 선정되었습니다.

Mark Morais
최고 운영 책임자 겸 임상개발 담당 사장
Mark Morais has served as Fortrea’s Chief Operations Officer and President, Clinical Development since May 2023. In this role, he is responsible for the strategy and delivery of Fortrea’s clinical operations inclusive of its full-service CRO, functional service provider offerings and therapeutic expansion.
Mark brings more than two decades of experience in the CRO industry, including a successful track record in operational optimization and commercial development. Working closely with clients, he has helped shape the design of strategic alliances and preferred-provider relationships. Mark held a number of leadership positions at Labcorp Drug Development, prior to Fortrea’s spinoff from Labcorp. He served as President of Clinical Operations and Commercial Services from 2020 to 2023. Previous roles included Senior Vice President of Strategic Deal Development and Alliance Management, and Vice President of Strategic Deal Development and Pricing. Prior to joining Labcorp Drug Development, Mark served at Quintiles/IQVIA from 2001 to 2016, where he held global leadership positions in both Commercial Development and Clinical Operations.
Mark는 노스캐롤라이나 주립대학교(North Carolina State University)에서 경제학 학사학위를 받았으며, Poole 경영대학의 자문위원으로 여러 해 동안 일하고 있습니다.

Oren Cohen, MD
최고 의료 책임자겸 임상 약학 담당 사장
Oren Cohen, MD, is President of Clinical Pharmacology and Chief Medical Officer, partnering with biopharmaceutical companies to optimize early clinical development through excellence in study design and execution. He has served in this position since Fortrea’s launch as an independent company in July 2023 following its spinoff from Labcorp.
Following a decade of translational research at the U.S. National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases under the mentorship of Anthony Fauci, MD, Oren has more than 20 years of experience in various medical and scientific executive leadership roles in the pharmaceutical industry. Most recently, Oren served as Chief Medical Officer and head of Clinical Pharmacology Services at Labcorp Drug Development since 2017. Prior to Labcorp, he was Chief Medical Officer at Viamet Pharmaceuticals, where he worked closely with clinical investigators and key opinion leaders to formulate and execute clinical development programs across a portfolio, developing and executing strategy and protocol designs. Previously, he held several senior medical and operational leadership positions at Quintiles, now part of IQVIA.
Oren은 듀크대학교(Duke University)에서 의학박사 학위를 받았으며 뉴욕시의 코넬 메디컬센터(Cornell Medical Center)에 있는 뉴욕병원(The New York Hospital)에서 인턴십 및 레지던트 과정을 거쳤습니다. 그는 국립알레르기·전염병연구소(NIAID)에서 감염병 전공으로 펠로우십을 마친 뒤 그곳에 계속 남아 면역조절 연구소의 연구원이 되었습니다. Oren은 또한 듀크대학교 메디컬센터(Duke University Medical Center)의 의학 자문 교수, 듀크대학교 의과대학 방문자 위원회 위원, 미국 전염병 협회(Infectious Diseases Society of America) 회원입니다. 그의 연구는 The New England Journal of Medicine, Science, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA, Nature Medicine 및 Journal of Clinical Investigation을 포함한 다양한 저널에 발표되었습니다.

Sandy Kennedy
최고 품질, 규제 업무 및 지속가능성 책임자
Cassandra Strickland Kennedy has served as Chief Quality, Regulatory Affairs, and Sustainability Officer since May 2023 with oversight of Global Regulatory Compliance, Quality Assurance and Environmental, Social and Governance at Fortrea.
Sandy brings more than three decades of biopharmaceutical industry experience, with a long track record of success in leadership positions within the pharmaceutical and CRO environments. She served as Senior Vice President of Global Regulatory Compliance & Quality Assurance at Labcorp Drug Development from 2018 to 2023, prior to Fortrea’s spinoff from Labcorp. Previously, Sandy was Senior Vice President, Global Compliance & Quality with Quintiles, now part of IQVIA, where she was employed for 20 years. In this position, she was a member of the Enterprise Compliance Office and the Compliance Management Committee of Quintiles. Sandy was a founding member of the Quintiles Data Privacy Board and served as Vice-Chairman of the Ethics Board. Before joining Quintiles in 1997, she was US Quality Assurance Manager at Parexel International. Sandy began her career at Solvay Pharmaceuticals in Research & Development from 1987 to 1994.
Sandy는 립스콤 대학교(Lipscomb University)에서 임상 심리학 학사 학위를 받았으며 인허가 및 헬스케어 규정 준수 분야의 자격증을 갖고 있습니다. 그녀는 2022년과 2023년에 계약연구단체협회 (ACRO)의 총무직을 수행했고, TransCelerate에서 ACRO 포럼 공동의장을 맡는 등 몇몇 산업 협회에서 일하였습니다. 업계에서 리더십 역할을 수행하는 것 외에도 그녀는 여성의 지위 향상과 발전을 위한 노력에 열정을 가지고 참여해 왔습니다. 그녀는 Quintiles Women Inspired Network의 창립 멤버이자 이사장이었으며, Labcorp의 여성 리더십 프로그램의 자문팀으로 활동했습니다. Sandy는 여성이 경제적 독립을 이루고 삶과 인생에서 꿈을 펼치도록 힘을 실어주는 비영리 기관인 Dress for Success의 RTP 이사회에서도 일했습니다.

Drayton Virkler
사장 겸 최고영업책임자
Drayton Virkler is President and Chief Commercial Officer at Fortrea, focused on improving the probability of success of biopharmaceutical companies across the globe as they bring life-saving and life-enhancing products to the market. Drayton joined the organization in May 2023 during Fortrea’s spinoff from its parent company, Labcorp.
Drayton has a broad array of global and industrial experience including leadership of global go-to-market teams as well as leadership of global and regional business development teams in the U.S., Canada and Asia Pacific. He spent the last 20 years working in the life sciences sector across service providers and pharmaceutical sponsors. Before joining Fortrea, Drayton was the President of the Regulatory and Access division at Certara, a global leader in biosimulation, technology and tech-driven services to accelerate medicine development for biopharmaceutical companies. Previously, he served as Certara’s Chief Commercial Officer. Drayton held a variety of commercial leadership roles at Quintiles, now part of IQVIA, a human data science company. During his 10-year tenure, he led business development in the US and Canada and led its Asia Pacific business development team. Drayton served as head of Investor Relations for Talecris Biotherapeutics, building and managing the function after the company’s $1 billion IPO in 2009 and through its acquisition by Grifols in 2011. Prior to joining Talecris in 2008, Drayton was an executive with GSK from 2003 to 2008 where he held a variety of positions in marketing and sales. Earlier in his career, Drayton worked as a country manager and formulation chemist for his family's textile chemical company. He has lived and worked in Argentina, Mexico, Singapore and the U.S., and is fluent in English and Spanish.
Drayton은 워싱턴앤리대학교(Washington and Lee University)에서 화학 학사 학위를, 듀크대학교(Duke University)의 후쿠아경영대학원(Fuqua School of Business)에서 MBA를 취득했습니다. 그는 또한 청소년 당뇨병 연구 재단(JDRF)의 국제 이사회와 후쿠아경영대학원의 이사회에서 활동하고 있습니다.

John Doyle, DrPH
Chief Scientific Officer and President, Consulting Services
John Doyle, DrPH, is Chief Scientific Officer and President of Consulting Services. John joined Fortrea in October 2023. He and leads a global team of expert consultants across the product development lifecycle, helping customers navigate complex and fast-changing business and regulatory environments. The team's solutions include clinical development and regulatory strategy, real-world evidence, market access, health economics and outcomes research (HEOR), medical writing and publishing, as well as specialist services, such as pediatric plan development and orphan drug designation.
John brings more than three decades of extensive industry knowledge and experience to Fortrea along with a track record of building and operating differentiated consulting organizations that drive innovation and growth. John joined Fortrea from Exponent (NASDAQ: EXPO), a scientific and engineering consulting firm based in the Silicon Valley, where he led the Health Sciences business. Previously, John led the Global Healthcare Innovation Center at Pfizer (NYSE: PFE), focused on optimizing equitable and affordable access to Pfizer’s medicine and vaccines. While at Pfizer he spearheaded healthcare innovation programs incorporating digital health, data science and real-world evidence in customer collaborations. Earlier in his career, John served in senior advisory and leadership roles across the life-science industry, including IQVIA (NYSE: IQV), Analytica International, now owned by Certara (NASDAQ: CERT), and Bristol-Myers Squibb (NYSE: BMY). John is active in thought leadership in academia and industry. He has published more than 50 peer-reviewed papers and 100 conference abstracts.
John earned Doctorate and Master of Public Health degrees in Epidemiology from the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health and a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management and Applied Economics with a concentration in the Life Sciences from Cornell University. He has served on the faculty at the Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health since 2005.

Alejandro Martinez-Galindo
최고 정보 책임자
Alejandro Martinez-Galindo is Chief Information Officer, leading Fortrea’s information technology vision and strategy to enable life-changing research and solutions. Alejandro joined the organization in May 2023 during Fortrea’s spinoff from its parent company, Labcorp.
Alejandro is a global technology leader with more than 30 years of experience in the healthcare, life sciences, retail, supply chain, manufacturing and automotive sectors. Most recently, he was the Chief Information Officer of Capri Holdings, a luxury fashion retailer. Previously, Alejandro served as the Walgreens Boots Alliance (WBA) Chief Information Officer, where he led a comprehensive transformation of the company’s retail digital platform. Prior to WBA, he was Chief Information Officer at Quintiles, now part of IQVIA. Earlier in his career, he held multiple Chief Information Officer roles at General Motors, where he lived and worked in LATAM, EMEA and North America, including Chief Information Officer of Europe, based in London. Before joining General Motors, he was information technology and strategic planning director at PACCAR Mexico, responsible for IT operations of four business units in Mexico, including Kenworth Mexicana, PACCAR Capital Mexico, PacLease Mexicana and PACCAR Parts Mexico.
Martinez는 멕시코시티에 위치한 라 살레 대학교(La Salle University)에서 컴퓨터 공학 학사 학위 및 석사 학위를 받았습니다. 그는 또한 멕시코의 ITESM에서 제조업 시스템 학위를 받았으며 UIA Mexico에서 경영학 학위를 받았습니다. Alejandro는 GM 선임 경영자 프로그램을 수료했으며, MIT와 옥스포드 대학교의 사이드 경영대학(Saïd Business School)에서 다수의 경영자 과정을 수료했습니다.

David Cooper
최고 행정 책임자
David Cooper has served as Fortrea’s Chief Administrative Officer since May 2023, responsible for Human Resources, Procurement, Facilities and Corporate Communications.
Dave has almost 30 years of leadership experience in the hospital and health care industry. Before transitioning to his Fortrea role, he served as the Vice President of Global People Experience at Labcorp, a global Fortune 500 healthcare services firm. Prior to Labcorp, Dave was the Chief Human Resources officer at Q2 Solutions, an independent provider of global drug development services following a spinoff from Quintiles. Previously, he served for more than a decade in a variety of leadership roles at Quintiles, a publicly traded healthcare services company. Earlier in his career, he worked in staffing-focused roles at Solectron, now part of Flextronics, and Govig & Associates.
그는 조지아 공과대학(Georgia Institute of Technology)에서 경영학 학사 학위를 받았습니다.

J. Stillman Hanson
법무 자문위원
J. Stillman Hanson is General Counsel and has served in this position since Fortrea’s launch as an independent company in July 2023.
Stillman has more than two decades of legal experience in both private practice and in-house positions, serving as strategic business advisor and partner as well as counsel on legal, compliance and corporate governance matters. Prior to joining Labcorp, he served as General Counsel, Chief Compliance Officer and Corporate Secretary at G1 Therapeutics, Inc., a publicly traded biopharmaceutical company from 2018 to 2023. Before that, Stillman was Associate General Counsel and Vice President at IQVIA, a publicly traded healthcare services company from 2016 to 2018. Stillman served as Associate General Counsel at Quintiles from 2010 to 2016, where he participated in Quintiles’ initial public offering in 2013 and contributed to Quintiles merger with IMS Health to create QuintilesIMS in 2016. Prior to joining Quintiles, he practiced corporate and securities law at Smith, Anderson, Blount, Dorsett, Mitchell & Jernigan, LLP, a Raleigh, North Carolina law firm.
Stillman은 노스캐롤라이나 대학교 법과대학에서 법학박사 학위를 받았으며, 웨이크 포레스트 대학교에서 경제학 및 역사학 전공으로 학사 학위를 받았습니다. 그는 노스캐롤라이나 주 변호사 자격증을 가지고 있습니다.

Georgina Strickland
비서실장, 전략 책임자
Georgina Strickland is Chief of Staff and Head of Strategy at Fortrea, leading the development of corporate strategy. She has served in this position since Fortrea’s launch as an independent company in July 2023.
Georgina’s career in global drug development spans three decades. Prior to joining Labcorp, she served as Senior Vice President of Business Operations at Lightship, a clinical research organization, from 2020 to 2023. Previously, Georgina established and ran a program management office to mobilize enterprise-wide operational excellence at Parexel from 2017 to 2020. She held a variety of leadership roles at Quintiles, now part of IQVIA, over the course of 25 years. During her tenure she was Chief of Staff to the Chief Executive Officer and Vice President of Strategy, supporting the Quintiles and IMS merger, following roles in Corporate Development, Business Development and Operations.
Georgina는 영국의 브리스톨 대학교(University of Bristol)에서 생물학 학사 학위를 받았습니다.